
Car Accident Attorney

Have You Or A Loved One Been Injured In A Car Accident?

Car accidents can be a traumatic and life-altering experience, especially if you’re left with a serious injury.  The physical and emotional pain, stress and uncertainty in the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming. A car accident attorney will help you navigate the difficulties in the days, months, even years following your accident. An experienced and skilled car accident attorney comes in to help you not only with your legal needs, but also with medical treatment, property damage and lost wages. Pablo Pinasco is one such professional who is a trustworthy and client-focused lawyer that specializes in representing victims who suffer injuries from car accidents. Our firm will handle your case properly from the moments following your accident all the way through the day you check your settlement check. Insurance companies will ignore you, lie to you and downplay your injuries from a car accident in an effort to get you to agree to a low-ball settlement. Don’t get fooled by their underhanded tactics. Don’t go through the pain, stress, and frustration after a car accident alone, contact us immediately for professional representation. 


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Common Injuries Resulting From Car Accidents

Car accidents are an all too common occurrence in our car-reliant state of California, and they can be devastating for those involved. Injuries that result from car accidents can vary greatly in both severity and type. Some common injuries may include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), broken bones, spinal cord injuries, cuts and scars, and soft tissue injuries. Due to the effects resulting from serious and life-altering injuries, it is important for those involved in a car accident to seek help from personal injury attorney Pablo Pinasco. He will help you get justice from the parties responsible for the injuries sustained, including other drivers, vehicle manufacturers, or even local governments for poor road conditions. Given the endless types of car accident, from being rear-ended, drunk driving accidents, or unsafe turns there are countless possible injuries that can result from a car accident. For all these reasons, it’s important to seek to seek legal counsel right away to ensure a proper investigation is perform, the appropriate medical care is set up, and you get effective legal representation for all injuries you sustained.

Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Whether you’re a careful driver or not, sometimes things are simply out of your control. You may fall victim to the negligence or carelessness of another driver and end up injured after a car accident. Injuries from a car accident can be physically, emotionally and financially draining. A car accident attorney will alleviate some of the stress from endless calls and letters from the insurance company, mounting medical bills and the legal issues associated with a car accident case. With years of experience and knowledge, The Law Office of Pablo G Pinasco will expertly handle the entire process. We ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible for your injuries and economic losses. 

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Contact An Experienced Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve recently been in a car accident and suffered an injury, it’s important to seek legal help right away. That’s where Pablo Pinasco, a trustworthy and experienced car accident attorney, comes in. With more than a decade of experience, he has expertise you need during this difficult time. He knows how much your accident is worth, and fights tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation for your injuries. Contact him today to discuss your case and get the help you deserve.